Athlete Focused Therapy
The world of athletics/sport is not exempt from mental health concerns; in fact, more athletes are beginning to open up about their mental health struggles and how important prioritizing mental wellness has been to the quality and longevity of their careers. Athlete Focused Therapy, or sports psychology, helps support athletes competing across all levels of sport to improve their performance and over all mental/emotional well-being.
Some common issues addressed in athlete focused therapy:
Goal setting and achievement
Attention and focus
Body image and self esteem
Motivation and determination
Coping skills and emotional regulation
Teamwork and sportsmanship
Burnout prevention
Rehab after injury
Transitioning out of sport
"Our mental health can arise at any given moment. It’s not just going to be something you can tuck away and hope it doesn’t arrive at your most pressured moment."
-Michael Phelps